It's Easier To Replace Leaders Than To Reinvent Them

Forbes – November 28, 2017
Barry Libert and Megan Beck, Contributor

However, changing CEOs is only half the battle. Let’s not forget the board—the governing authority of a company. To successfully navigate a transformation, boards must also be willing to adopt new mental, business, and measurement models. Board members must be willing tell their stakeholders that the company will need to lose money and cannibalize existing products in order to invest in and develop new business models and revenue streams. This may usher in a similar turnover in boards.

There is no choice. If you don’t believe us, just keep reading the headlines of today’s business journals as more and more leaders fall and incumbent organizations fall prey to well-capitalized startups. Companies that want to survive will need new leaders and board members because you can’t achieve new actions and outcomes with old thinking—and is easier to bring in new people than new thinking.


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